General Grievous Anyone?

Ulma Doctor

Infinitely Curious
Feb 2, 2013
I grew up watching the original Star Wars movie as an 8 year old boy
(you know the one where Han Solo shot Greedo FIRST!!! not the atrocity Lucas produced later
:bs: ).

i digress.

i really enjoyed the early movies, then.

After watching some of the newer movies with my son, i got an idea.
i watched the Revenge of the Sith again and decided that i would copy General Grievous for fun!

for the uninitiated, General Grievous ....
i copied and transferred the image to 4 sheets of paper and started copying the bot!

i used flame bent wrenches for the legs, chain link cut in half for the toes, welded to base metal.
a broken 3/4" carriage bolt for the body, sheet metal adornments from scrap stock,
the head was made from a Ford Truck Lugnut, welded to 1/2"steel tube tubing, copper head dressings,
the arms were made from wrenches & welded to hex stock, the light sabers were rusted 3/16 steel round stock.
a few welds here and there 3/32 E6011 DCEP,
a couple brazed bronze features like the the eyes, and here we get the results!!!!

General Grievous......

IMG_4293.jpg IMG_4296.jpg

Thanks For Looking!!!
Dead ringer!
Thank you!!!
Great job Mike
thanks thomas!
Mike you just might get famous with those sculptures- keep 'em coming. Now you need to animate one- wind motor?
Thank you Mark! i've just begun!!!
i have considered a major piece of kinetic sculpture, i may need to get more serious about it!!!
Very cool :cool 2:
thank you pinkpanda!!!
I think this may be your best yet
thanks for thinking so! i did have a lot of fun making it!!!
I was thinking of making a "do-nothing" machine too. Maybe put it in the front yard. Haven't decided how many giant whirling machete blades I need yet :cupcake: