h@r centerfire to rim fire

a couple pics have the forend on and secured also have a stock that came from gun stocks inc.

still banging at it my good friend has a steel but plate on it a grip cap and has a cheek piece almost ruffed in


well have a few sandings of finish on the stock and a non welded lug for future high pressure chameringKIMG0028.JPG KIMG0027.JPG

Hey Norm - that looks pretty good - that lug looks like a real good start to a monoblock! I can see you have it in a dividing head - what kind of cutter are you using to get the nice round shape on the part?

could be better if I took more time but it was a ruffing mill just using the end and clocking 10 deg. at a time. starts out as a 2 inch piece a lot of metal coming off . and I need a center on the other end for support
That's a good looking butt stock. It should dress the old girl up a bit. I also really like the steel butt plate and grip cap. Those are classic details you don't see any longer except on high end custom stocks.

Now, what's that in the background? Looks like a nice bolt action stock with a lot of real estate removes.
That's a good looking butt stock. It should dress the old girl up a bit. I also really like the steel butt plate and grip cap. Those are classic details you don't see any longer except on high end custom stocks.

Now, what's that in the background? Looks like a nice bolt action stock with a lot of real estate removes.

rick that is a a krag rifle stock that was used as a pattern its not mine but the wood on it is almost done also. iv been fortunate to find a friend that hunts loves to shoot and is a wood working wiz checkers well also and cant do metal work so we swap favors and do a lot of shooting. a few pics from this springrange2.pngrange3.pngrange5.png

range2.png range3.png range5.png
Looks like you have a soft spot for singles. Beautiful rifles.

(I'm suffering from a case of 'rifle envy' here. :rofl: )

Thanks for the info on the Krag. That occurred to me but I couldn't tell for sure. It's always nice to find friends that you can swap talents with. That's how I get most of my toys as well.

Please keep the photos and progress posts coming.