Diamond Tool Co M25 Horizontal Mill

Matt in TN

Nov 2, 2014
Not sure if this belongs here or in the Antique Forum, but I'm trying to learn about my Diamond Tool Co M25 Horizontal Mill. To my knowledge the prior owner never even hooked up the horizontal mill parts, but they all appear to be there (with the exception of the main milling shaft and cutters). He just used the x-y tables along with the Rusnok head - which works great.

I'd love to learn more about this old beast though - is there any reason for me to try and find a main shaft and cutters, or does the vertical head make that pointless?

I have a Diamond M22; don't have a vertical head but do have a 1" horizontal arbor, some collets and a shell mill holder. If you have an end support, a horizontal arbor can be more rigid and the cutters last longer than end mills IMO. For heavy stock removal the shell mill is my favorite, it will really cut some metal.
Thanks for the pics !!!