Broken Car Mirror


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Sep 22, 2010
Ever wonder who drove too close to your car and broke your driver's side car mirror?

Went to church this morning, and was crossing the street when a car passed and I heard a smash and saw some parts hit the ground . The offending car was stopped up the block at a red light. I ran up to it, got the plate number, and told the driver, a young kid, he broke someone's mirror. He said " are you sure it was me?" and when the light changed, he drove off

To fix these new side mirrors is about $100 or more. I left a note on the person's windshield with the plate number. car color, and description of the driver. Then I went into church. The sermon for advent was righteousness and justice.
I remember one of the worse scares I have ever had when I was young and just started driving. I passed an oncoming car with both of us running at highway speeds, and SMACK! Our mirrors hit each other. I'm glad I had my windows up. I'll never forget that. It was night and I guess we were both hugging the center stripe too close. I would guess the impact would have been the sum of our speeds, or around 100-110 mph. We both stopped, and talked about it......and when our legs stopped shaking agreed to just fix our own cars and went on.
That kid knew he hit something but was playing possum. Probably driving dad's car and was more concerned with what he was going to tell his dad.
The irony was that I wouldn't have seen it, but I was early for church because I was serving as a eucharistic minister. It's strange how cavalier people are about destroying other people's property. This was a goofy looking white kid whose ass should have been in church, not speeding down a narrow two-way street. His bad luck I was right there and the light turned red. We don't teach our kids any sense of responsibility .
To fix these new side mirrors is about $100 or more.

Ya, WAY more. I had to replace one on my truck and it was almost $600, and that was me doing all the work and shopping for the best price I could find !

it appears that people want to be less and less responsible for their actions.
blaming another, cheating the system, or trying to get away with things when nobody is looking, seems to be the right thing to do these days.
even worse, when the offender is caught- he'll only give an excuse , but no real responsibility will be taken, he may only pay the fines and keep doing the same things
A mirror replaced for 100 dollars is cheap. I had one torn off my 89 Caddy and by the time a new replacement was located it was almost 1200 dollars. No used ones in the bone yard, ouch.

"Billy G"