[Lathe] Antique Flather Lathe -16x36 S/n # 270

Ulma Doctor

Infinitely Curious
Feb 2, 2013
I think i found a piece of history, completely by accident. I was searching for interesting stuff on CL and came across an ad for a bulk sale. the ad seemed to contain a lot of machine shop type components and items.
there was a couple pictures of an antique lathe. for weeks i ignored the subliminal call from the lathe to come and pick her up. Just the other night i entertained the idea of taking her into my care, seeing myself bring the lathe back to health-maybe even hand scraping it. That's the problem with scraping things, once you start #metalscraping, everything begins to be evaluated in different terms. Can it be scraped, or most likely How would i scrape it goes through my head involuntarily. Worn equipment is not an issue, when you can make it as good or better than when it was new!

Without further delay, i'd like to introduce you all to Persephone-
the oldest, working, lathe i have seen!
She has a 16" swing over the V's 36" between centers and a 10" 3 jaw chuck


Heres links to the feed mechanism patents-
http://www.lathes.co.uk/americanlathepatents/317449 Feed mechanism for lathes Flather 1885.pdf

and a link to an artists' picture drawn most likely before 1900.

FLATHER%2B6.jpg FLATHER%2B5.jpg Flather%2B4.jpg Flather%2B3.jpg

she's remarkably in good general shape. she has a ding here and there and stuff that needs some fixin'.
any information and all comments are welcomed.

I look forward to doing some good to the old girl!

as always thanks for reading!!!:)
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Whaddya mean, the old motor on the back isn't a 3 phase steam generator????:mad:
i got sold Snake Oil from a pretty talkin' City Slicker- dagnabit!:cussing:
That's a nice old lathe, and I bet with a little work it it will run fine and be quite the conversation piece. Clean up that motor and maybe replace the bearings and I bet you will be surprised at the power/torque they have compared to today's 2hp rating if you haven't had one before. I have a 3hp on an old 20" band saw ( the saw weighs almost as much as my Bridgeport) you can run a 20' board through it as it is coasting down. Nice save and I will look forward to seeing it come along. Mike
Thanks Guys for the compliments,:)

i was able to get in touch with another Flather Lathe enthusiast.
the consensus at this point is Pre 1900.
His lathe is in a museum, mines in my secondary shop.
his looks very nice, mine looks like it needs some help and has a "great personality".
but she was saved from the jaws of the crusher,i'll treat her good- that's for sure!
Great find, looks like it is going to be a fun restoration and very rewarding when done. Bob
Makes you wonder what it has made in the last 120 years, or will make in the future ....Great Looking Antique as found ....
Great find that looks to be in good condition. The chuck, which usually shows the most wear on old lathes, looks like new except for being darkened for more than a century :)
Thanks Micke!!!:)
the seller almost gave her to me, she didn't cost very much money.
the man had a storage problem and wanted to sell her fast.
i was in the right place at the right time. the seller didn't have much serious interest from potential buyers.
I got real lucky:D