Bridgeport 6F power feed lead screw

I checked out the link about this fella and I don't like the tone in any of the posts by any of them. I think you should judge him on the merets/demerets your interaction only - not on the 'reputation' - especially from that web page. I am very concerned when there is a posting to an outside website with such vitriol on it. Nobody was at their best there, so I would use another metric to decide on him.

What I can't understand is why the moderators didn't delete the complete topic. Such shenanegans would not be tolerated here.
Dabbler, I would have to agree with you about the post on PM. Lot's of venom. The way this all turned out, I will probably buy from him again if he has something I want/need. We are all human, and we all make mistakes. A mistake is not necessarily how to judge someone, however, how they correct the mistake is how to judge them. I am semi-retired now, and in my 35 year career I always said that human effort will produce errors. We will not be judged so much on the error, but more so on how quickly we react and correct those errors. I still live by that axiom.