FOUND-Procunier tapping head Manual?

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H-M Supporter Gold Member
Oct 5, 2010
I just picked up an old Procunier #2 tapping head that needs work. Does anyone know where where I can pick up an old manual or a copy? I have already tried Procunier, Ozark and other normal sources.

Re: Procunier tapping had Manual?

I just picked up an old Procunier #2 tapping head that needs work. Does anyone know where where I can pick up an old manual or a copy? I have already tried Procunier, Ozark and other normal sources.


I was able to download a manual for mine several months ago. As I recall it was a little tricky to find but it may still be there. It's only a couple of pages but very well presented. It was on the Procunier site.

I just tried to find the repair manual without success. I'm not usually at my shop in the winter months but the next time I go there I'll look for my copy.
If I find it readily I can copy it & snail mail a paper copy if you wish. If you send your postal address to my profile I'll be able to send a copy. (I'm pretty sure I know where it is). I don't know if it is copyrighted but I would think Procunier would welcome any parts business.
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Re: Procunier tapping had Manual?

Thanks Harry,
I got one off their website. I did a little extra searching. I never would have gotten it apart without it.
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