Shop executor?


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Oct 16, 2019
My Mrs asked me the other day what she's to do with all of my shop stuff in the event of my untimely demise.
Got me thinking about the problem and what to do about it.
Wondering if anyone has designated a 'shop executor'?
You can make all kinds of plans but having them happen how you like after you're dead is challenging at best. the "gun buddy" idea is nice but machine tools aren't nearly as portable or desirable as firearms.

Your best bet is to identify a local used equipment dealer or auction house that will take care of it for her. Of course, you could always teach her how to run everything so she can enjoy it when you're gone....

Probably this should be the beginning of a larger conversation between the two of you, estate planning is best done when the need seems far away.

You can make all kinds of plans but having them happen how you like after you're dead is challenging at best. the "gun buddy" idea is nice but machine tools aren't nearly as portable or desirable as firearms.

Your best bet is to identify a local used equipment dealer or auction house that will take care of it for her. Of course, you could always teach her how to run everything so she can enjoy it when you're gone....

Probably this should be the beginning of a larger conversation between the two of you, estate planning is best done when the need seems far away.

100% I'm only 57 so it seems a long a way off but life proceeds quickly and stuff happens.
think I'd tell my daughter to invite our hobby machinist group over for a picnic and direct that the guys make offers for it all, which would be accepted. Most of the folks that I know could be trusted to make honest offers (I think).
Neither of my kids show a lot of interest in my shop. My wife uses the table saw, band saw, miter saw and joiner. She may decide to keep that stuff, but our plan is as was mentioned above, have an auctioneer come in and liquidate it.

Depending on my expiration date, I'm hoping to minimize my survivors' pain and suffering. I have a few things that I'm selling this summer: Atlas MFB mill and a Jet JVM-830 vertical mill. I haven't turned the Atlas on in 5 or 6 years other than to shoot some photos for a FB/CL ad. I don't think I've turned the Jet on in 2 or 3 years. If I'm not using them, why have them take up space until my "as Mr. Pete calls it; final dirt nap" when my wife and kids will have to take care of them. Plus, I know a lot more about them than they do.

Hey, anyone looking for an Atlas MFB mill or a Jet JVM-830?
I guess I am just more selfish that all of you. My plan is that "it's not my problem after I am dead. Life is too short to make it easier on others once I am dead. I realize that this is a sucky attitude so I may have to revise my plan.
Seems your SO has that same fear mine has of a garage full of stuff and no clue what it’s worth. I tried to explain a minuscule part of the Tetris garage was bought new and none of the machines were bought new. So it’s all bargain basement but a lot of it. About the only thing I think the actual $$ involved was the decades of Snap On, Mac and Proto tools I did buy new off tool trucks. So realistically if she wants to find an auction co to do it for her I won’t care. I’m hoping when the wheels start come off this clown I’ll have enough time to oversee the liquidation if my grandson doesn’t want anything.
Just have her call Dave :grin:
Now that there is funny ! I could move everything into my son's place in Calgary ! :grin: OT here , but had to drink 2 bottles of Barium to light me up for a scan . YUCK . I'm switching now to my fav beverage to really light me up in a good way . :encourage:

As far as getting rid of stuff when the time comes ..........................the boy knows how to dig with the Kubota and it wouldn't be the first time to bury crap .