Back gear noise reduction?

The motorcycle chain grease that I tried lubed the gears OK for as long as it sprayed. It clogged after just a couple of uses and the rest was left in the can. Since I didn’t try it again I don’t know if that’s a common problem. The moly grease is applied with a cheap acid brush so reliability is 100%. Three dozen brushes at Harbor Freight runs about $3.00.
Sounds like good advice! Thanks. Truth be told, in the 15 years I've never cut any threads or tapers on any of the six or seven lathes I've owned. Does this only qualify me as just an expensive tool junky! LoL
Probably does, but as long as you're happy that's all that counts. I can see building a fairly complex steam or gasoline engine without needing to cut tapers or threads on a lathe.

I've been to model airplane meets lately where guys had $10,000 to $25,000 model airplanes. Being a tool junky might be considered economical in some circles.