TouchDRO Plus is out (plus some loose ends)

Firmware upgrade will basically turn the V2 glass/magnetic scale adapter into a "lite" version of TDA-420, which also happens to give access to TouchDRO Plus.
Didn't understand most of that, but I'm OK with it.

What I learned is this: No, you cannot dumb it down enough for me. That's on me of course, not faulting your communication skills, just my comprehension.

I will go back to using just the basics and learning more as I need it. I'm leaning towards not upgrading, since "more features" is not what I need. I just need more time in the saddle, to learn how to ride the horse I already have.

Thanks for trying though!

Oh and about bolt patterns, yes I have a project coming up real soon that will need a precise 5-bolt pattern. I could dust off my high school trig to calculate the X-Y co-ords (or get them from an online bolt-circle calculator), or I could do it on a rotab, but I think I will really dig having Touch do it for me. Looking forward to it.
LOL. "Generative AI" is all the rage these days, so ya never know. That said, ChatGPT is known for "hallucinating" things. Are you sure you will be OK if TouchDRO "has a moment" and instead of making you a tablet holder, hallucinates something like a sex toy ;) ?

BTW, pro tip, never buy ANYTHING from AliExpress stores that sell CNC touch probes and adult toys. When they make a mistake in shipping, the conversation with the wife might end up being awkward. Don't ask me how I know. Sorry if this is too inappropriate, but my wife opened my package from AliExpress accidentally (she orders a lot of her bead stuff from there) ... she is still laughing/sobbing and I feel an urge to wash my hands again...
OK I had something to say in response to the aliexpress but on second thought, hard pass
Hey Yuriy,

Will there be a way down the road to buy access to the plus version of the app ? Or is it completly incompatible with old adapters ?

Also is there a way to import work coordinates from .dxf files to somewhat automate the process.

I tryed messing around with android ADP but to no avail.

Anyway I love your app.
My plan is to next roll out an upgrade path for the previous adapter generation for quadrature/magnetic scales.
At some point I will add a way to buy the app standalone.
I have no clue what the timeline is, though. At this point most of my time goes to responding to emails, and until I figure out how to nudge people to read documentation, I don't think I'll be able to make much progress on the app.

My plan is to next roll out an upgrade path for the previous adapter generation for quadrature/magnetic scales.
At some point I will add a way to buy the app standalone.
I have no clue what the timeline is, though. At this point most of my time goes to responding to emails, and until I figure out how to nudge people to read documentation, I don't think I'll be able to make much progress on the app.

Sorry to ear that,

I would be more than happy to help you with anything as I have a lot of time to spare and Touch DRO made my machine so much more enjoyable.

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Sorry to ear that,

I would be more than happy to help you with anything as I have a lot of time to spare and Touch DRO made my machine so much more enjoyable.

This and Z-probing are the 2 things I'm eagerly awaiting.
So, since you mentioned, how would you use Z axis probing? (it's on my "v-Next" list, but I can't wrap my brain around how to make a usable user interface (no pun intended).
Tool height compensation, similar to how XY probing is used for tool radius compensation. For me, it's the final piece of the puzzle to really bring the tool library to its full potential.

The library has the parameters of each tool, but only the radius is used with the probe. I can probe a corner (or other reference feature) and set the cutter location in XY space. However, I still have to touch off, or take a cut, on the top of the part, then measure to determine where the end of the cutter is in Z space.

Which I suppose is fine for roughing out a bandsawed piece of stock, but what if I want to take a cut referenced from an already machined face on an unknown part? It would be much easier to be able to probe that surface, set that as my Z-reference, select a tool from the library, and have the cutter height automatically factored in, the same way cutter diameter is.

Or Z-probe the bed of the vise (or the top of a parallel), and set THAT as Z-reference, and be able to work to a dimension in the Z axis. Maybe have a "Desired Z Value" dialog in the probing menu, so you can tell TouchDRO your desired Z dimension, probe the vise bed, and work to zero.

I suppose the UI could be a standalone "Tool Library" button, which has a list of all the tools, the graphical representation of tool position (like in the Radius Compensation dialog), and a "Desired Z Value" box. Maybe incorporate a duplicate of the "Indicate Workpiece" dialog as well, so it's all under one button/dialog. Probing would establish the datum of X, Y, and Z, and selecting a tool would apply the necessary offsets. I feel like this is the best option.

The existing "Set Z Reference" and "Tool Height Compensation" dialogs could remain, for people that don't use the tool library.

Also... Preferably the probe height, and tool heights, would referenced from the spindle nose. This way, tool heights are determined relative to a common datum, which makes it easier to measure tool heights on a surface plate, rather than always having to do it in the machine.

I feel like TouchDRO is basically as close to CNC as manual machining can get. Except with a human reading a print and turning the screws, instead of gcode and steppers/servos. Meat-servos, if you will.
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I have a Amazon Fire HD 10, and received the latest version of TouchDRO from the Amazon App Store. I did not get any option to use TouchDRO Plus when starting the app, and I do have a TDA-420. Is TouchDRO Plus built in to the version for the Amazon Fire tablet?
I have a Amazon Fire HD 10, and received the latest version of TouchDRO from the Amazon App Store. I did not get any option to use TouchDRO Plus when starting the app, and I do have a TDA-420. Is TouchDRO Plus built in to the version for the Amazon Fire tablet?
It will be in a couple of weeks. I have to replace a few Google-specific libraries before it can go into the Amazon app store.