WTB Telescoping Gauges 5/16 - 6" Set


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Dec 24, 2020
I was going to buy new, but just got hit with a $6K vet bill this week, so I guess it's time to look for clean used gauges! I'm not stuck on brands...Starrett, Mitutoyo, or even something like Yuasa or even ENCO that was made in Japan would be fine. The sets I'm looking at are 5/16 - 6" mostly...that would cover me pretty well.

Here's the guilty party: Ringo.

Evidently, he ate something he's not supposed to which caused a blockage leading to vomiting and obvious distress. I rushed him to the 24/7 vet at midnight...that was fun. Two nights in the doggie ICU, X-rays, ultrasound, blood work, an echo cardiogram and nothing definitive until he passed a rubbery, hard, chunk of something the size of a walnut. But hey, they threw in a toenail trim for free, so that was nice! He's home now and other than being tired is fine :)

Photo credit to my wife who's a specialist at animal photography.

Can't help with the telescoping gages.

I would like to say that I find your vet bill incredible but sadly, I can't.
Yeah, the place he went is the best around, but it's not cheap. The docs make rounds like a people ICU so it's about the best care possible. He's been inexpensive up until now so hopefully it will average out over time!
Glad the pup's alright, and also glad you got a good set of gauges.