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Winner Home Grown Cutter Grinder

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I've done this before many, many times Andy and I am still a bit uncomfortable with the operation.

"Billy G"
It can be Andy. This was a simple one. I only had to cut 1/8" deep to get thru. The deeper you have to go the scarier it gets. The deepest I have cut is 1/2" on a 14 inch diameter. That one made me sweat profusely near the end. You have to really watch your tool clearances.

"Billy G"
The tool. This one is quite radical, but it works well. You can use the cutting edge out away from center, or turn it 90* and the cutting edge is in toward the center Here you see Top, cutting edge out and front views.

"Billy G"

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Something else arrived today. The collet stop for the %C collet. It will be used for the Draw Rod. Made in USA. Breakheart Tools, Tilton NH.

"Billy G"

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2.5X3.5 7075 T3. This will be the base for the Tool Holder. When cut the saw will have had a work-out. :lmao::lmao:

"Billy G"

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Two edges square. This hunk will change drastically before it's finished. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

"Billy G"

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Me thinks something is afoot. 7075 does not string like this. 6061 does. :thinking:

"Billy G"

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That's it today. Holes are done and picture perfect. Tomorrow we start shaping this bear. :rofl:

"Billy G"

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