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Winner Home Grown Cutter Grinder

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Tomorrow we tackle the Division Wheel. It needs to be done before the Mandrel gets cut to final length.

"Billy G"
The bore is done and everything fits nicely. On to the OD. I want to get all this done and into the milling machine tomorrow. Gonna be a long haul.

"Billy G"

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The blank for the Division Wheel is finished. Now to the milling machine.

"Billy G"

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This hole was not fun to do. The break-out is supposed to be there. The problem was keeping it straight. Milling machine, rotary table and a pucker factor of 100 plus. :lmao::lmao: Now to flute it where you turn it with your hand and then the fun begins -- the graduation marks .

"Billy G"

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It looks more like a T&C Grinder every day. Thanks again for all the encouragement guys.

"Billy G"

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Thanks Steve. The flutes are done. The thru hole is for the spring loaded index pin assembly. It is a press fit.

"Billy G"

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Kinda surprised you didn't stagger the evenly spaced flutes to straddle the through hole?
I was going to Andy but they just didn't look correct. When the pin assembly is in you won't even notice the missing flute.

"Billy G"
The piece that is installed will be 1/8 drilled thru wit a 1/4 counter bore from the bottom 1 1/2 deep. This will hold the spring loaded pin. I'm done for the day.

"Billy G"

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