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Winner Home Grown Cutter Grinder

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When in doubt, finish. I reached my goal set this morning. The compound hole for the pin is done. That leaves 3 holes in the back flange to tighten to the Mandrel and the Graduations. Again, tomorrow is another day. It must be the angle, but the smaller hole in the first picture looks off center. I assure you it is dead center.

"Billy G"

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Nice work man. Question... On the flutes, did you come straight down like a drill or did you come from the side?
Flutes are done with an End Mill plunge cut straight down in the Milling Machine, Chuck.. Look at the pictures in Post #317.

"Billy G
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Oh I know you used an end mill. What I meant was did you plunge cut it or use the side flutes and table to come in from the side. You answered it it just fine either way. ahaha. I was just wondering as you have only half the dia so I was not sure if the end mill would chatter or jump around plunging it. I would have come from the side out of ignorance thinking of it like a drill bit. I would play hell trying to plunge a drill in accurately when half the Dia was gone. Good to know for future reference. Thanks for taking the time.
Use the fine down feed on the mill when a half hole starts to chatter. It will go away most of the time.

"Billy G"
Flutes are done with an End Mill plunge cut straight down in the Milling Machine, Chuck.. Look at the pictures in Post #317.

"Billy G

I know most of you have been doing this for awhile if could make a suggestion if you do a hole of this nature again you may want to use a smaller mill to rough it then use a boring head to finish it. Just an idea due to the fact I've been there and done that with the same mill they don't have the rigidity and vibrate with the bigger mills.
If the flutes were bigger I would say yes to your suggestion. They are done with a 1/2" bottom cutting end mill. Even my Ultra Small boring head would have trouble going that low. Good suggestion though for larger holes though, Thank you.

"Billy G"
I have read the complete thread with great envy at the workmanship. Some day maybe I can build something close to this to sharpen bits and tooling.
Great work! :drink2:
Now ya done it Farmer Dodds. Now I have to buy a bigger hat, at least that is what the War Department said.

Thank-you for the kind words. You will reach whatever level you wish, it just takes time and patience.

"Billy G"
The Index Pin just needs a pin in the top to hold it out when using settings other that the pre-set ones.

"Billy G"

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