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Winner Home Grown Cutter Grinder

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Any dollar amount under 10 is a good price. I saw a used one on ebay go for $17.50. I paid $7.40 for mine.

"Billy G"
I looking at a time frame of two weeks or less to finish this project. I painted the spindle barrel this morning. The two runs add character. :rofl: I am holding off on the nose threads till the collet nut arrives. Other that that the spindle is finished to the point of assembly.

"Billy G"

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Just did, waiting for it to set. :rofl:

"Billy G"
Good thing I don't live across the street. You might come over and punch me. :LOL:
No problem with that Andy. I set the ball pretty high right from the beginning. No need to back off now. This has been quite a challenge to hold the tight tolerances with manual machines.

"Billy G"
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Everything that needs paint to this point is done. The work holder had too much metal showing so I painted the main body. Looks good to me. I start the tower today.

"Billy G"

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