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Winner Home Grown Cutter Grinder

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It's getting tough because there is nothing to go by. It's called re-engineering for lack of a better word. This is what the Spindle Tower should look like. Nothing is written in stone at this point. Changes are made and noted as you go along. This is however the last assembly to be done. It had to be done last because its height was completely unknown. It will be 15.5 inches tall and catch all angles of the Workhead both above center and below.

"Billy G"

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That's a work of art Bill! Thanks again for sharing all the build details and photos.
Change is constant , it never stops happening. I hope this is the final print It is #5 try.

"Billy G"

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You're catching up to me...I'll be 73 next Monday. We Aquarians sure have fun creating stuff don't we ?
Happy early Birthday.

My Dad used to tell me I was born to do this stuff. If I was born to do it, how come I had to learn like everyone else? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

"Billy G"
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Grade 6 "All Thread 7/16-20". First time I ever got it in a bright finish. I know it's grade 6 by the way it cut. This is what raises and lowers the "Wheel Spindle"

"Billy G"

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W piece of scrap Aluminum will become the cap. The 1.5 inch c/bore is done. as is the .343 front hole. The little print is the final shape.

"Billy G"

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Bill have you gotten the book on the Quorn by D H Chaddock?

I found it for 33.20 after conversion with the shipping I was just wondering if it would be worth buying it.

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