
  1. tcweb

    SB9 - thread dial castings

    I had printed myself a South Bend thread dial years ago. Last year a friend who has access to a NICE 3D printer made me one out of a composite plastic (nylon and carbon fiber I believe), and it works great. Well that same friend just decided to get into casting, and this was his first...
  2. L

    Bigger table for my 8" Rotary table.

    Finally complete. The casting came out very nice, little if any hydrogen bubbles or oxide inclusions. 11" diameter x 1" thick, 6 T slots, referencing rings 1/2" apart. See if I can get a photo to post.
  3. dav1d

    die-casting carbon fiber?

    I was told by an old and trusted member of the foundry industry to cast my fan blades in carbon fiber. He's built a Lancair and knows a bunch about carbon fiber and things aeronautical. I had planned on designing a mold for a 2-part polyurethane foam but might as well go with carbon fiber if...