
  1. Plastiblocks

    Keep Your Eye on the Ball

    Cooler weather is coming, the kids are going back to school, and cottages are closing up. While it might be bittersweet to see summer coming to an end, it means that we settle back into a routine and start new projects. We decided to start the season with a fun demonstration on how to make a...
  2. Plastiblocks

    Working With Plastics

    Some people are not very familiar working with plastics. So we will continuously be adding useful info about plastics, here are few first ones we put together: Joining and Gluing ABS Painting parts with molded-in colors - a great partnership. Your Guide To ABS Drop us a note if you find...
  3. 3 color options.jpg

    3 color options.jpg

    Rendering of a chess set using two-layered rod - black center