Are any of these boring bar sets worth the money?


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Sep 22, 2019
This was in my inbox this afternoon when I got home.
Are all these sets basically import junk or are there some decent sets in there.
Did a search the other day just for the fun of it looking for a Criterion boring head, I suppose that is what triggered this offer.

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Some import tooling can be pretty decent, besides Its Amazon, if its crappy just send it back.
What machine will you be using them on?

My mill is a Jet JTM-2
I have a monster Bridgeport head at present but nothing to go with it.
I have that same kit. Got it from Shars awhile back. The boring head is ok and basically works as it should. The brazed tipped bars that come in the set are junk and you will be better off buying a quality bar that takes inserts.
The import boring bars are ground all wrong from the factory, you can get them to cut if you grind them. They tend to not have any relief to miss the part, so the first part of them that touches is well below the cutting edge. It's a pain to grind them, I agree that a good set of indexible would be better.
The import boring bars are ground all wrong from the factory, you can get them to cut if you grind them. They tend to not have any relief to miss the part, so the first part of them that touches is well below the cutting edge. It's a pain to grind them, I agree that a good set of indexible would be better.
I have a couple of sets of brazed "import" boring bars, they work fine. Quality can vary greatly.
I've got a 3" boring head that came with a set of brazed bars. The bars aren't very good but do work. I have inserted ones now. To get relief clearance all you need to do is rotate the bar a bit. The shanks are soft and the set screw puts a burr on that makes them a bear to get out. Each time you adjust the diameter of cut you need to lock the center gibb screw. The head works OK and the price is low.