Atlas Horizontal mill

Are they all gone from his web-site? If not, please post the URL.

On the shell mills, the ones that I have seen that are called that are all internally threaded.
Thanks for the info, I've grabbed every photo and or print I could find. plus I have whats left of the original.
Can't get to the shop today, digging out from the blizzard.:( I actually started roughing one out last weekend, now I just need to get it done! :D
Are they all gone from his web-site? If not, please post the URL.
On the shell mills, the ones that I have seen that are called that are all internally threaded.

Yes, - they sold out and closed the doors last month. Around these parts, any really wide cutter would be called a slab mill or a shell mill interchangably. Like a lot of things terms become generic. I have also seen shell mills on a morse taper 2 drive arbor, I believe the Atlas catalog recently posted has them in it..
OK on no more spacers.

And you're right of course, about things being named differently in different parts of the country. However, on the shell mills and threads and arbors, we are both right and we're both wrong. The shell end mills and driver aren't threaded. The driver has two drive pins and a thin retaining nut. And the arbors that are threaded aren't for the shell mills but for the angular or dovetail cutters and they aren't 2MT but 1/2" straight shank to fit the Shank-Cutter Adaptor or cutter holder, which is 2MT. Flustered
While on the topic of Atlas Mill arbors... How are the cutters secured to the arbor with regard to the key slot? Are the spacers broached to match the key?

The cutters are broached for a key but the spacers are not.
Atlas used to supply a shell mill holder. Mounted on the spindle like the arbor driver. I haven't seen one for sale on eBay or I would have bought it.

I saw one of these on ebay just in the last week or two. If I recall, the auction ended without any bidders.

Do you recall any key words from the title? I did a search on eBay but all that I turned up were either R8 or cat 40 or larger.
The cutters are broached for a key but the spacers are not.

Then one must maintain a selection of keys in various lengths to match the thickness of the cutter hubs.
How would one secure a slotting cutter in the arbor? a 1/4" square key only a few 32nds to match a thin slotting cutter would shear. I'm figuring a pair of spacers that are broached, one on each side of the cutter so a decent length of key can be used. But those spacers will need to be larger OD than the standard to accommodate the keyway. Yes?

I'm going to the shop tomorrow to verify this but, I believe some of the spacers are broached for a key.