Barrel Reaming?


Dec 18, 2013
This post is for those that bored, reamed and then rifled their own barrels.

How do you go about reaming your barrels? Do you buy a caliber specific reamer or what do you do or what have you done in the past. I'm in the process of making a barreling machine for my lathe and in the process of looking into reamers for the barrels. I have spoken to the Eldorado folks and they have told me they bore .005 under bore size and then ream with a caliber specific reamer........but the reamers are about $200.00 a pop. I would assume if one was to do a few barrels it could get very spendy real quick.

I'm sure there are those out here that have done a few barrels and do you folks buy the caliber specific reamer or what do you do for reaming. I sure would appreciate you stopping by and linger enough to let me know what you do or have done in the past........or any other bits of advise you pass on to someone who is on the path.

Thanks in advance
If you want an education, take a trip up to Kalispell, there's 3 barrel makers up there.
For low priced reamers ,look at a process known as "spill boring"........basically,a long square toolbit,with a wooden shoe or "spill",packed with strips of thin paper to increase diameter of cut.......A very basic process that lasted 150 years in mainstream use...BSA used spill boring into the 1970 s,and possibly up to the end of firearms manufacture about 1982.