Ceiling insulation and heating/cooling question

Since you have good ceiling support above the drop, you'd be best off to tear down the drop and put up plastic vapor barrier under drywall. Then blow in insulation (either kind) 12-16" of it. Then put up LED tubes for great light. I think this work would be worth more than any heating choices and far easier than trying to fit bats between all the wire hangers and other stuff which would leave all kinds of voids in the insulation.
Aaron Retired building contractor
edit: DO NOT INSULATE THE ROOF but make sure there is good ventilation in the attic. There needs to be air inlet and outlet. Usually the inlet is vented soffits and the outlet is (in order of desirability: on a roof that steep, ridge vent or gable vents but not both)

They know about this kinda stuff in the U.P. eh?