Chinese Hit&Miss


Dec 6, 2018
Has anyone bought one of those Chinese hit and miss models.? Only seen them on ebay. Says no instructions. What was your experience with them? Have you ever seen one at a show etc.
Yes, you are probably right. Figured it would need a bit of tweeking like everything else they make. Bieng new to this hobby I figured maybe to reverse enginere it and do a take off on thier design. Yes, no, maybe?
I was in interior China several years ago (like 15 years ago). Sitting in the brightly illuminated display case at the local hardware store was a brand new hit and miss engine. Later I saw trucks with a hit and miss engine sitting in the front. Operation was to reach under the bottom tip out windshield and pull a handle rearward to tension a drive belt that drove a transmission that drove the truck. Saw many of these driving around with a load of stuff in the back. Several on side of road with guys pouring water in the top. I guess the point might be that the Chinese are building lots of these for transportation and the design may be refined enough that durability might not be as big an issue. Pure assumption on my part (but is still China after all). Did find it interesting that a hit and miss was still being used in this century.
That is interesting that they was bieng used for transportation. Had no idea. I would like to see one in operation. I was talking and thinking of the little table top model .
The engines used for farm transport are small (heavy) horizontal diesels ,with a water hopper and fuel tank all mounted on top of the cylinder.......the most characteristic feature is/was a headlight mounted in the front of the fuel tank......I suspect they may have fallen foul of the pollution drives of recent years.....Similar engines in India too,where so far ,pollution is not a concern.
Pretty crazy looking contraption. I can see how one would think it is a hit and miss engine, I would have09c18c07-204d-4e81-9130-c29aa99cc6c9.jpg.
Contraption, thats a good word for it. Pretty inventive people without many resources. I dont have a picture of it but just learned that in 1930's a steam powered airplane engine was invented. It was a bi-plane and flew pretty efficiently. It was all contained in a very small package.
You can see the square headlight in front of the tank...............they are a fair size cylinder,about 4x4 or 100x100mm ,and need two heavy flywheels to run smoothly.......i would think there were many millions of them.....Incidentally,when the NATO reserve was sold off ,many of the new WW2 trucks were broken up for axles and wheels./tyres for Chinese three wheel trucks....
I can picture every city has several people that fix anything, and they have a clapped out lathe, and mill, a hacksaw, and a welder. They will fix anything.

I dealt with several of those shops in Saudi, during Desert shield. I had the authority to local purchase anything we needed that we could not get through the supply chains fast enough. The best of those shops, make mine look super organized. How they got the stuff done that they did, amazes me.
