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Winner Clock

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Maintaining 005.jpg

Hands 001.jpg
You and Chriss almost got me hooked on the brassie click things.
I love seeing all you are doing and one day I will take the next step.
What are the dimension on that clock?
Looking good
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Continues to look good Wagner. What are you using for weight?

Also why do you print the template on the wheels if you are using CNC? I can understand if I was going to do the crossings with a piercing saw.

Hi David.

Using Lead. Have melted it onto the canisters yesterday.
The templates in paper helps for cutting the blank on the band saw (and to layout the various blanks onto the original plate, avoiding too much waste).

That looks great, Are the weights aluminium with brass top and bottom? Is it filled with lead?
The itch is just about irresistible!
You are almost finished and you are hearing that thing come alive. Tick-Tock-Tick-Tock-Tick-Tock-Tick-Tock.
I can almost hear it.
Way to go Wagner
Hi Nel957
The canisters are 4 in OD aluminium tube, caps 1/2 in aluminium plate with 1/32 brass bandings (like venner in woodworking)
Inside, cast lead. The weight is about 16 and the bob 10 Lbs.
There is still a lot to do, but the thing is running.
Going to concentrate now on dials and hands.

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