CNC Logo Stamp for a Charity


H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2013
There is a charity for disabled vets (predominantly PTSD) that needs a small favor. The group is Team River Runner. They teach kayaking and paddlesports to vets as a therapeutic activity. One of the guys makes hand paddles out of old kayaks. He is looking for someone to make a small logo stamp so he can melt the logo into the polypropylene paddles. It is nothing complex but would best be done on CNC.
He has this iron:

He would like a logo about the size of a quarter with the initials TRR. I would have already done this if I had CNC capability. If you would like to donate your time and materials to this, please let me know and we can work out the details.
I am not affiliated with this charity (yet) but I am happy to help connect the right people.


I don't think the small print is necessary.

More info here:
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Looks like this opportunity is long past, but if not - maybe you could do this using a resist/acid approach?
I have some bronze plates used by the printing industry and examining the artwork closely, it appears that it was chemically etched to a depth of .035" and then CNC milled to a depth of .070" to remove material in the main field.

Rockler sells custom branding irons for branding wood products. From their images, it looks like they may use either a photoetch process or laser process as the detailing is quite small and any milling process will not result in sharp corners. They may be willing to donate a custom head.