Complete Hack Makes A Diy Planter Box

thank you for your input Dave!
i was mostly worried about a squashywatemelon abomination
but now that i think about tings for a while,
a blueberry/watermelon/strawberry hybrid would be a tasty concoction! :chunky:
Watch the basil plant close.When it starts to flower cut them off. If you don't and they turn to seed the basil will take over the whole box. They are very aggressive {SP].
***************Just Saying*********************************G*********************************
Funny you should say that as I now how to pull Basil weeds out all over my yard...
try planting the "three sisters". First plant Corn then it gets 10" tall plant pole beans around the corn and as they grow train them to go up the corn.They put nitrogen into the soil and the corn uses that.then plant squash around the pole beans and that will give shade to the soil like mulch and keep out the weeds.
I got that tip from my Grandmother.
****************JADIP****************G************************:bash computer:
Thanks Gator!!!
I learned about the three planted together long ago in grade school, but had totally forgotten about it.
If I'm not mistaken the native Americans planted that way.
Thanks for the information!!!