Dual Kurt D688's Plus Kurt Magnetic Jaws, Parallels, Work Stops And Vice Keys.

Uh, maybe take your single vise off and mount the work to the table? That is a a big investment for one job, and you may not need it again...
If you look in one of the pictures you can see a Backhoe in his garage, Never question the ways of a man with his own Backhoe, never :)
That's a nice set up, but why didn't you save your money and just buy some machinist jacks?
I looked at machinist jacks, a 2nd Kurt vice is way faster and more versatile. You can't take it with you guys, what else am I going to spend my money on.
Nice vises! How close are they to being a matched set?
Kevin its funny you ask, I spent this evening dialing in the vices. I don't think the mill is accurate enough to measure Kurt vices one vs the other but here are the numbers. Measured using a Mitutoyo test indicator with a .0001 scale.

Vice Bottom - there are 4 flats total 2 for each vice so from left to right lets call them V1, V2, V3, and V4. V1 is the only one that varied, keep in mind when measuring V1 I have the table hanging way off the right side of the machine and the power feed is also hanging off that side so I'm attributing the .0005 to flex/weight especially since V2 was dead on after moving the table about 4 inches left. So basically the bottom of the vices are dead flat with each other.

V1 .0005
V2 .0000
V3 .0000
V4 .0000

Vice Back Jaw - First let me say I love the vice keys again, they put both vices within .0014 of parallel which made dialing them in so easy. Both vices are within .0002 of parallel with the X axis over 6 inches, I had one within .0001 at one point. In terms of alignment with each other not horrible but certainly room for improvement. First attempts resulted in Vice 1 being .004 off from Vice 2, positioned more towards the front of the machine. I removed that vice and scraped the paint off the inside of the T slot and was able to reduce this to .0025. Most likely if I removed the other vice and scraped the paint off its T slot I could probably get them within .001 to .0005 perhaps. A bit of lapping and I could probably get them spot on. Or I could just call it good for now and throw a shim in one vice if needed.

I have not measured front to back as yet, I want to redo the tram as I had not locked the knee when I trammed the machine nod.