I'm an idiot, I was careless, beat up on me if you must but, but know that you can't say anything worse to me than what I've already said to myself.
Now that's out of the way, Yesterday I was trimming some flashing off a plastic part with a brand new "scalpel" style #22 Xacto knife when it slipped and went into my finger. Just went straight in, no hesitation, no pain, clean entry, lots of blood. I saw it happen in slow motion and that blade went DEEP. Probably hit the bone but I don't know for sure as I didn't open it up and look.
I held it closed with a clean paper towel while fumbling open a pack of single-use superglue tubes. Rubbed superglue all over it and it cures instantly when the blood hits it. Forms an instant scab and holds the skin together while it heals. Burns a little for a second but not bad. This was a "go get stitches" scenario but I have had excellent results each time I did this. Especially for very clean cuts like this one. Probably not the right call for a chainsaw bite but who knows?
The corpsman on my boat in the Navy said the surgical glue they use is basically just superglue and that stuck with me. I also had a civilian nurse confirm it. So I don't go in for stitches unless I am worried about infection or the wound is really gnarly.
Anyway, I guess nobody knew I've been doing this all along and I mentioned it yesterday around friends and family and the reactions were not what I expected. I thought this was a well known thing, but apparently I was wrong. People either thought I was joking or disappointingly stupid. "I hope you're joking because if you're not you need to go to the doctor first thing the morning before gangrene sets in." Jeez aunt Ruth, calm down, it's not like I cut it with a rusty saw covered in human feces and bat saliva.
So am I the only idiot gluing body parts in place instead of going to the hospital like a responsible adult?
Pic below, showing angle of attack. Doesn't look bad in the picture, mostly covered in polymer scab. Blad went in about 3/8" deep and cut about 5/8" long
Now that's out of the way, Yesterday I was trimming some flashing off a plastic part with a brand new "scalpel" style #22 Xacto knife when it slipped and went into my finger. Just went straight in, no hesitation, no pain, clean entry, lots of blood. I saw it happen in slow motion and that blade went DEEP. Probably hit the bone but I don't know for sure as I didn't open it up and look.
I held it closed with a clean paper towel while fumbling open a pack of single-use superglue tubes. Rubbed superglue all over it and it cures instantly when the blood hits it. Forms an instant scab and holds the skin together while it heals. Burns a little for a second but not bad. This was a "go get stitches" scenario but I have had excellent results each time I did this. Especially for very clean cuts like this one. Probably not the right call for a chainsaw bite but who knows?
The corpsman on my boat in the Navy said the surgical glue they use is basically just superglue and that stuck with me. I also had a civilian nurse confirm it. So I don't go in for stitches unless I am worried about infection or the wound is really gnarly.
Anyway, I guess nobody knew I've been doing this all along and I mentioned it yesterday around friends and family and the reactions were not what I expected. I thought this was a well known thing, but apparently I was wrong. People either thought I was joking or disappointingly stupid. "I hope you're joking because if you're not you need to go to the doctor first thing the morning before gangrene sets in." Jeez aunt Ruth, calm down, it's not like I cut it with a rusty saw covered in human feces and bat saliva.
So am I the only idiot gluing body parts in place instead of going to the hospital like a responsible adult?
Pic below, showing angle of attack. Doesn't look bad in the picture, mostly covered in polymer scab. Blad went in about 3/8" deep and cut about 5/8" long