Eye Dilation All Darn Day -Making Me Sick...

Hi Ray,

I am sorry that your experience was so long lived. It is unusual, at least in my own experiences, with having my eyes dilated. I first had my pupils dilated about 6 years ago, because the doctor thought that she could see a possible tear in the retina. I agreed, and she confirmed it, which resulted in laser eye surgery that very day. This likely saved the sight in that eye.

I now insist that she dilates my pupils at every eye appointment. I am also surprised that they let you drive home. I always have a driver. My side effects last only a few hours.

My Eyes get dilated once a year as well due to a suspisious lesion. It does suck to drive home and I usually stay indoors for the day. Its a cheap price to pay if they can prevent long term damage.

As it turned-out, the vision seemed to be back to normal by 3pm. Eyes got dilated around noon the preceding day. I have no known internal eye issues other than needing prescription lenses. I've been wearing contact lenses since the late 70's when they were "gas permeable" pieces of hard plastic. For checkups, they look into the eye with a bright scanning light (I'm sure you've had it done). I've asked about that and the eye doctors said they can see everything just fine as long as the patient is cooperative. They can see if anything looks suspicious.

I suppose the pictures are good if you see the same eye doctor over the years (which I don't) so they can compare as time goes. I didn't pay the extra $15 for the picture. Just paid for the dilation so he could see better. It was one of those "oh, what the heck moments" when I decided to do it. It ruined the rest of my day off and a part of the next one.

Well, in case you're interested, the retinas are fine according to the eye doctor and "eye pressure" was good too.

I am very sensitive to dilation during eye exams. I always get the last appointment of the day, do it in the winter so i can drive home in the dark. When I get home I take a pain pill and go to bed and sleep or stay in bed till I feel better. Usually about 12-14 hours. If you don't get dilated its pretty hard for them to check for glaucoma or cataracts.

Always bring someone to drive you home when you get examined. I get examined twice a year. I need my eyes to work and live.
My wife drives me home. Some people are hypersensitive- you are one of them.
In a couple of hours, I am back to normal.

You must get them dilated so they can check for glaucoma and cataracts.