Good quality MT3 to ER32 collet chuck?


Mark Silva
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Apr 30, 2015
Does anyone make a good one for less than 200$?
Shars has one they claim 0.0001 runout at the face of the collet (whatever that means) for 60$
I heard that Vertex has/had one but I don't see a vendor anywhere
I have the Shar's MT3 to ER40 on my lathe and the Glacern R8 ER32 for the mill, these are both the nickle plated higher quality types and their TIR is around 0.0001". Glacern does not list a MT3 to ER32 chuck. I replaced both nuts with bearing nuts and I do notice a difference in both ease of tightening/loosing and accuracy. Techniks and Rego-Fix have similar PowerCOAT type and also bearing nuts. I may get a set of the Techniks nuts and see how they compare to my bearing nuts. These all take different wrenches which is an additional expense.
So you're fairly pleased with the Shars? You get around 0.0001 at both ends of the inside taper?
It seems to be the only reasonably priced unit available besides the 15 dollar cheapies which I wouldn't even consider