Google home in the shop

You all must live far more interesting lives that I do. Other than some passwords to financial I just try not to say or do anything I would care about if the world knew. I think anyone that wants to read transcripts of my life is in for some really boring times

All the folks on Facebook etc feel the same way. I don't have anything to hide, it's the thought of being tracked at all times that bugs me. Not just your phone when it's on,it pings the cell tower when it's supposedly off. Nobody is really paying attention to this surveillance state we live in where they sell your data to other co's. Taylor your net searches. And when you walk through a store you're not only on camera, RF id scanners are reading the chips in your cards, credit, drivers license etc. I didn't know about that until I bought a new wallet a little while back and it's claim to fame was it had an RF shield built into the wallet. Read a couple of hacker books like American Kingpin and another called just Kingpin and it's enough to make anybody start wearing the tin hat. Like they say, I'm not paranoid when they really are after me.
Although I have 2 laptops and a desktop in my home office and another desktop in my home shop I will never get this gadget. All my PC’s are connected to the internet only when needed and the shop PC is not on the internet. My Samsung I-phone is 10 years old if not older and I only use it to call / receive call – no texting. Family and visitors are not allowed to use I-phones inside the house (only land line calls)

In Europe they started limiting the use of I-phones in schools and now they are talking to stop them at restaurants and workplaces. Soon it will come to us

To my opinion been wired to outside has its limits