Help me decide on a 1" x 42" belt grinder

Ken from ontario

H-M Supporter - Silver Member
H-M Supporter - Silver Member
Dec 26, 2016
I'm in the market for a small belt grinder that doesn't take up a lot of room ,I'll be using it to shape , debure, grind metal mostly but also wood plastic,etc. .
I have a Chinese 1" x 30" belt /disk sander that I really like and use often so I think a 1" x 42" would be an upgrade but if I find a 2"x42" with a solid / powerful motor, I wouldn't complain.
So far I have seen a few disk/ belt grinders under different names (Rikon, King, Grizzley , Jet( Jet seems to be the best of the lot ) but they all have small motors with less HP, If I find a good one I don't think I'll even assemble the disk on it and just use the belt so I'd rather get just a belt grinder .

What do you all think of this Kalamazoo sander:"+Belt+Sander
I read a lot of positive reviews on it but it only has a 1/3 HP, I'm afraid it'll bog down when I bear down on it but I can live with that if it tracks as well as some of the owners claim.

Then there's this Palmgren grinder with 1/2 HP but it is made in China so I'm not sure it is as reliable or as powerful as the 1/3 hp Kalamazoo.I have seen them under different names,Dayton is one I remember right now.
I read somewhere that a 2" belt also fits on it ,not sure if it's true though.:

Before anyone asks why not build one, to tell you the truth I haven't found a decent plan for a 1"x 42" grinder that I like, plus , it may be fun to build but it'll most likely cost me more to make one than what I can find on the market so for now I'm not entertaining that option.
So , of the two I linked ,which one do you like the best? or is there a better choice you think I should consider, budget is about $400 USD, I'm planning on getting a few of those Red Label ceramic belts that Mikey likes so much so it's all going to cost about $500.
If you have a personal experience with either of the two I mentioned or any other belt grinders , I'd love to hear what you have to say.
I've got a little Craftsman belt / disc sander with a 1x30" belt, so I've not really looked at others.

I do have a Rikon 8" grinder I am very happy with, very solid and well built. I had looked at a lot of grinders including Jet and I think this one is as nice as anything I looked at of a similar price. Most of the Rikon tools have a 5 year warranty which is a lot better than most other brands.

I think the Rikon 1x42 might be worth another look, it is 5/8 hp so more than the others you pointed out and well within the budget you set.
I'm also in the market for a new belt grinder. I've currently got a Rikon 6x48 belt/6" disc & while it works ok for small fine/finishing jobs I want something where I can really get right up to the edge of the belt. I was looking at 1" belt grinders but I know it will end up wanting something a bit bigger. Power is nice but not the main criteria for me.

If Kalamzoo is still the same, can't go wrong with one of them. IMO a 1x42 is not much of an upgrade over a 1x30 if that's what you currently have unless quality & power is what you're mainly after. I've been looking at 2" models. I also looked at the 2" version of the Kalamazoo that you posted as someone was selling one local to me. However I think with models like that I would have to bolt it down which I do not want to do. Dayton also make ones like that and are pretty cheap in price.

As much as I would love to have a nice powerful vfd controlled 2x72 like knife makers use, I don't have the room for one nor do I have a dedicated spot for a grinder. I need something portable which is why I didn't want to go with the Kalamazoo. I've got my eye on the Jet 2x42 J-41002. Just waiting for the next 25% off sale to buy one.

I have an admitted bias against the 1" belt grinders because most of them are underpowered, have a flexible platen that mounts only on the bottom and most importantly, the belt is too narrow to grind tools efficiently so it eats belts faster. They're fine for grinding wood or the occasional small metal project but for grinding tools or fabrication you are far better off with a 2" belt and more HP.

In general, the minimum power for a small belt sander would be about 1/2hp or more. However, I have found that the Palmgren/Dayton/Craftsman 1/3hp 2X42 belt sander to be adequate when used with ceramic belts for tool grinding. @TerryH recently did one like this and it turned out well. Given the requirements for a suitable tool grinding belt sander, it allows you to add a glass platen and fabricate a decent tool rest without too much trouble. It also allows unobstructed access to the right side of the belt for grinding rake angles on a tool; this is a critical feature. Here is one from

Kalamzoo makes good tools in general but the grinder you linked, in 1" and 2" versions, has been criticized by the knife maker guys for too much flexibility of the main post. Given the cost, I wouldn't bother.

The Jet that Will shows above is a good belt sander. @Aukai has one and modded it for tool grinding; hope he chips in here.
Mike raises some good points about the post/platen & should be considered if it's important to you. The Jet I'm looking to get still only has a post with attachment on one end. I could easily make a beefier post if needed but I'm not to concerned about it. I'll be using it for general purpose, I won't be grinding tool bits or making knives. I've looked at a bunch already this one suits my needs perfect, again portability is a major concern. But looking at reviews even the Jet has it's issues, all seem minor & I don't mind.

Well technically I do have a 1" belt grinder but it's a baby, uses 1x18 belts, haha. I just got this last week but it's a knife sharpener. Got it for sharpening large fixed blades, machetes, axes, & cheap kitchen knives, my friends always ask me. Won't be sharpening any of my expensive knives on it though, I have a Wicked Edge sharpener for that.

I have two 1x42 belt sander/5" disc sander combo machines (from having had 2 shops). I converted both to use a ScotchBrite wheel in place of the disk sander. One is an old Craftsman 1/2HP sander. The other (pictured) is a Delta ⅓ HP unit. Both work pretty well, though I can occasionally slow down the Delta ... when the belt is nearly worn out and I start pushing too hard. The PVC pipe around the wheel is part of a dust collection system.
I did recently go thru this same evaluation process. I wanted a 2" sander but had even less budget. I decided to give the Dayton 2x42 a try. I purchased mine at my local Graingers for $150. I chronicled the mods with links to the necessary parts here...

Dayton 6Y945 2x42 bench grinder build...

I am super happy with how it turned out. Have about $250 in it total plus a few hours work. Even though it is listed as only 1/3 hp, it performs quite well with ceramic belts that I bought from Empire Abrasives. Here's that link...

Empire Abrasives 2x42 ceramic belts

I think the Rikon 1x42 might be worth another look, it is 5/8 hp so more than the others you pointed out and well within the budget you set.
Actually Home depot and King Canada sell the same model and it is the same as the Delta hman posted before he modified it ,I had every intention of buying it but then I researched it a bit more and read many negative comments mainly on the tracking adjustment, noisy /chattering tracking wheels, (many two-3 stars rating on the Grizzly version), the older units may have been better but I decided to pass on that model although the Jet version had a much better fit and finish and better reviews.


I'm also in the market for a new belt grinder. I've currently got a Rikon 6x48 belt/6" disc & while it works ok for small fine/finishing jobs I want something where I can really get right up to the edge of the belt. I was looking at 1" belt grinders but I know it will end up wanting something a bit bigger. Power is nice but not the main criteria for me
I have a 4" belt/disk sander , and the Ridgid oscillating edge/belt sander but they all are used for woodworking , might work out okay for occasional metalworking but as you all know the main problem with them is lack of power, the 1"x 30" belt sander has been the most used sander in my shop but after reading Mikey's post and your comment, I'm thinking maybe 2" x42 is the better choice after all.

In general, the minimum power for a small belt sander would be about 1/2hp or more. However, I have found that the Palmgren/Dayton/Craftsman 1/3hp 2X42 belt sander to be adequate when used with ceramic belts for tool grinding. @TerryH recently did one like this and it turned out well. Given the requirements for a suitable tool grinding belt sander, it allows you to add a glass platen and fabricate a decent tool rest without too much trouble. It also allows unobstructed access to the right side of the belt for grinding rake angles on a tool; this is a critical feature. Here is one from
Thanks Mikey for the suggestion and the link, I'm definitely warming up to the 2" belt grinders .
About the one inch Kalamazoo tracking issue, I have heard the same complaints on that type of (single post/two wheel)sanders but overall that design has not changed in 20 plus years .I've also read many positive reviews on that 1" and the 2" adjustable versions , at any rate, I'm not considering it any more. it costs way too much for what it is.
I did recently go thru this same evaluation process. I wanted a 2" sander but had even less budget. I decided to give the Dayton 2x42 a try. I purchased mine at my local Graingers for $150. I chronicled the mods with links to the necessary parts here...
You and Mikey seem to really like this model, it is good to know it can be modified to perform more suitable for metalworking , I have bookmarked your thread on the Dayton build, will read it later to see how to upgrade the platen mainly since I will be doing it myself if I end up with the same sander.
You got a good deal for $250 but I think I can match that price once you consider the exchange rate and shipping.
I found this vendor in Canada called Global/industrial, they sell it for $301.95 plus shipping, it is cheaper than the one from

I'm seriously considering this belt sander, it looks like it has a better belt tracking mechanism than the Kalamazoo, the only hesitation I may have is the 1/3 horsepower but then again almost all of this size belt sanders have the same size motors .

Thank you all for your thoughts and helpful comments ,I read every one of your post at least twice and keep finding out more as I read them again.
Actually Home depot and King Canada sell the same model and it is the same as the Delta hman posted before he modified it ,I had every intention of buying it but then I researched it a bit more and read many negative comments mainly on the tracking adjustment, noisy /chattering tracking wheels, (many two-3 stars rating on the Grizzly version), the older units may have been better but I decided to pass on that model although the Jet version had a much better fit and finish and better reviews.


I have a 4" belt/disk sander , and the Ridgid oscillating edge/belt sander but they all are used for woodworking , might work out okay for occasional metalworking but as you all know the main problem with them is lack of power, the 1"x 30" belt sander has been the most used sander in my shop but after reading Mikey's post and your comment, I'm thinking maybe 2" x42 is the better choice after all.

Thanks Mikey for the suggestion and the link, I'm definitely warming up to the 2" belt grinders .
About the one inch Kalamazoo tracking issue, I have heard the same complaints on that type of (single post/two wheel)sanders but overall that design has not changed in 20 plus years .I've also read many positive reviews on that 1" and the 2" adjustable versions , at any rate, I'm not considering it any more. it costs way too much for what it is.

You and Mikey seem to really like this model, it is good to know it can be modified to perform more suitable for metalworking , I have bookmarked your thread on the Dayton build, will read it later to see how to upgrade the platen mainly since I will be doing it myself if I end up with the same sander.
You got a good deal for $250 but I think I can match that price once you consider the exchange rate and shipping.
I found this vendor in Canada called Global/industrial, they sell it for $301.95 plus shipping, it is cheaper than the one from

I'm seriously considering this belt sander, it looks like it has a better belt tracking mechanism than the Kalamazoo, the only hesitation I may have is the 1/3 horsepower but then again almost all of this size belt sanders have the same size motors .

Thank you all for your thoughts and helpful comments ,I read every one of your post at least twice and keep finding out more as I read them again.

The sander itself was $150 US. I spent another$100 US on the upgrades. Don't think you can go wrong with the sander. I've ground HSS blanks on it and it has plenty of power using the ceramic belts.
As much as I would love to have a nice powerful vfd controlled 2x72 like knife makers use, I don't have the room for one nor do I have a dedicated spot for a grinder. I need something portable which is why I didn't want to go with the Kalamazoo. I've got my eye on the Jet 2x42 J-41002. Just waiting for the next 25% off sale to buy one.
Where's this place that you hope to get 25% off ? I hope you get it, I'd love to have that Jet 2x42 J-41002. you posted a picture of. it is a solid sander,it has tons of power ,has the 2" x 42" belt that we want, and doesn't take up much room.
MSC is selling them for $514, I would be all over it if I lived there, the closest I can get price wise id Travers,$633.17 Canadian $, add shipping & tax =$820. but it's a beast compare to my 1"x 30" lol.