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Winner Home Grown Cutter Grinder

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6061 should be just dandy.

Yes, it will Andy but that's not the problem. I paid for 7075, not 6061. I will be at the supplier tomorrow. It's right up the street.

"Billy G"
Two edges square. This hunk will change drastically before it's finished. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

"Billy G"

That's what I like. Take a piece a bit bigger than you need and remove everything that doesn't look like the part you want.

I don't know any other way to do it. :rofl::rofl:

"Billy G"
I wonder how close I can get it today? :thinking: I would like to see it finished ???????

"Billy G"

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Thank you for the push Steve. I will probably need a couple more before the day is over. :rofl: Doesn't look like much, but a close look will show .500 removed from the face. Down from 2.5 to 2.0. Now it's time for the rotary table and fun.

"Billy G"

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It's always a pleasure to follow your work. I would be interested in a set of the final drawings when you get a round to it.
I will put you on my list Rick. OK, this is the set-up to shape the part. Centering is extremely important here. "0" is "0" and not a tick more. Every other part depends on this one.

"Billy G"

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The fun has begun. That's a .250 Bullnosed cutter.

"Billy G"

102_0348 (800 x 531).jpg
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