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Winner Home Grown Cutter Grinder

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Looks like I need to relieve the shaft side mount locations. No biggie, plunge cut 3/4" end mill.

"Billy G"

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Oh what a relief it is. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

"Billy G"

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Once the pivot block is done it will take another week to put this project to bed. This is one of the longest I have worked on for myself. It was started on 12/1/13. 89 days so far. Too many hours to count. :rofl:

"Billy G"

So in a week we won't see any more great pictures? What are you planning next?

The metric threading gear for your lathe....wink wink!

sent from my hand held hickymajig
That sounds good to me Brian. Can do.

"Billy G"
We have come a long ways in 89 days. I didn't realize till I got it all in one place. The Motor and Spindle are now a unit. They will only come apart to be painted.

"Billy G"

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Did you ever finish that model engine that would be nice to see after the video of you grinding some bits

sent from my rotary phone

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