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Winner Home Grown Cutter Grinder

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Wow, that's a beauty! I had not seen that before. Makes the little Atlas I've been working on look like a toy.

Bill, I hope you are serious. I've had many hours of entertainment watching your builds!

My breath is seriously bated. :))
Yes Steve, I am serious. I've wanted one for a long time now. This project went well so the Shaper should also. it will take longer that's all. I can already see it in green. :rofl::rofl:

"Billy G"
That's an ambitious project, but I have total confidence that you can pull it off Bill. Time to start amassing some materials! :))

Personally, I'm partial to orange, but I suppose it would look OK in green too. As a side note, I got a refill of my argon tank yesterday, and I traded up my grey bottle for an orange one that matches my welding cart :thumbsup:
Man thats gonna take alot of metal right there. I cant wait to watch that come together. Awesome
Up on 4 legs. You can see the drainpipe here. Kind of looks like catering equipment at this point.

"Billy G"

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We are down to the wire. Paint touch up today and it goes together for the last time. Two guards (belt and wheel) and the aprons and it's over. Everything must come to an end sooner or later.
Every part is now finish painted. 3 coats.

"Billy G"

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It looks awesome Bill!

Personally, I like it without the belt guard. :))

Sharpen something, will ya!

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