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Winner Homemade Lathe Build Log

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Pretty cool video of turning in the mill. The lathe islooking good. Can't wait to see the vids of itrunning.Mark
Pretty cool video of turning in the mill. The lathe islooking good. Can't wait to see the vids of itrunning.Mark

Well, you won't *see* it turning. The chips will be so small it will be considered dust!
Milled a slot in the bottom of the bed, and added an alignment pin in the bottom of the tailstock to keep it aligned with the spindle.

photo 2 (9).JPG

And flycut the bottom of the tailstock for looks.

photo 3 (9).JPG

Still thinking if I want to use a lever or not. Probably will.

photo 2 (9).JPG photo 3 (9).JPG
Been on a break from this project, got two lathes and they have been keeping me busy. But I'm back on the bandwagon and worked on a stand for it today.

Here it is, the hardwood base is made from hickory that we cut down from the woods here and had milled by a friend.

photo (46).JPG

And here is is compared to a 3 drawer 620 Kennedy chest. It's a small model.

photo (51).JPG

I plan to add a hand cranked pulley on the bottom, something different and will eliminate the hassle of an electric motor. Will also be quieter, and speed indefinitely variable speed via HVSD (human variable speed drive)

I don't plan to use this lathe much if at all, so a hand crank really isn't a problem convince wise.

You can also see my toolmakers square in the bottom left there, still have to get it ground.

photo (46).JPG photo (51).JPG
absolutely beautiful job! Thanks Andre!
WOO project of the month!!!!!
Yesterday I chamfered all the edges on the tailstock and headstock, made a tailstock ram knob, and will stain the base and cleanup the base pedestal (aluminum thing that holds up the lathe).
WOO project of the month!!!!!
Yesterday I chamfered all the edges on the tailstock and headstock, made a tailstock ram knob, and will stain the base and cleanup the base pedestal (aluminum thing that holds up the lathe).

Congratulations Andre on project of the month, it's well deserved...:))
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