How did you get your user name and what does it mean.

My nick came from my time in the Army.

Miller (last name) became just stuck I guess.

i was a machinist in the Army and got to play with a versa-mill often. Though it was almost to much for the little Standard Modern we had.
Mine is walltoddj because every time I'd try a user name it was taken so I used this and it works. I'm Todd Wallace from Jefferson City, Tennessee

Me and the guys were out on the ocean trolling herring for silvers. I was the only one catching for some reason. After way too much fun catching way too many salmon, we ran out of bait. All the way back over the bar the guys kept saying that they had to quit fishing because of the bait hog. I thought it kinda funny, so I named my boat 'Baithog'. Then I got a vanity plate for my Dodge diesel saying 'Baithog'. I had plans to put 'Hogbed' on the trailer, but about that time I decided that the boat had become too big a hole to keep throwing money into. Now I'm sans boat and thousands of miles from the Pacific. Baithog brings back memories of great schools of fish, salt air, and ground swell rocking the boat.

Certified welder and Instructor / tester in MMAW, GMAW, TIG and Sub Arc processes and am an Aussie.
Harris Creek Central : Well as a teenager, I lived on a farm on the Harris Creek Road. I went into Model Railroading and one of my areas is a reconstruction of our farm, complete with the replica of our farm house. I then built the barn and hay shed as they were on the farm. So now I needed a name for my Model Railroad.. What better name could I have than "Harris Creek Central"
So now you know the rest of the story !!

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I had to pick a name for another site just after I had sold an Elliott dividing head and a Dean Smith and Grace lathe. Everything with Bill in it less than 40 characters long was taken. So Elliot Grace. Also it sounds like a real name.
Bill M.