I'm A Retired Machinist And A...

Does anyone here know how to convert an email picture to a jpg or jpeg format? I can't get a "save as" when I right click on the image. #2 daughter says that that's the problem...

A fail safe method, but looses sharpness. Just Press "Print screen"

Open paint and paste. Use rectangular selection to crop picture. save as a .jpg.

I use the printscreen trick a lot, its my record of many on-line purchases.
in 1970-71, then President Nixon was giving Marines with at least 6 months (I think...) of overseas duty an "early out". I qualified and was released from active duty in January 1971.

Shortly after that, using the G.I. Bill, I enrolled in a formal 4 year apprenticeship program with the National Tool Die and Precision Machinists Ass'n's apprenticeship program. Our shop and school was originally located on Navigation St., in the heart of Houston's industrial district, but we moved to a nicer location near the Gulf Fwy sometime during the early 70s while I was still in school.

I had always wanted to be a machinist since watching the machinist at my Dad's shop during late 50s and early 60s. They were mainly a fabrication shop but they had two lathes and one machinist. Sometimes they had to work 1/2 a day on Saturday and my Dad would take me to work with him. One of my earliest memories as a pre-teen was watching that machinist take an old rusty looking piece of steel and turn it into a beautiful, precision, working part. That fascination has never left me!

I knew right then that my life's ambition was to be able to do that for a living. My Dad wanted me to go to college and I wanted to go to trade school, so I did both! I have a degree in business that I've almost never used. Over the years I turned down opportunities for advancement because I would have to give up machining.

Right now I miss the "squeaking" sound of a properly ground end mill running at the correct speed in the Bridgeport. I miss the smell of smoking cutting fluid coming off a threading tool as it single tools a thread on the lathe, etc, etc, etc. I think you get the picture!

After I retired, we moved up to the Brazos river valley area of south/central Texas. I guess the nearest town of any size would be the Bryan-College Station metro where Texas A&M University is located.

Thank you for sharing. After GE closed I worked in a small job shops. I got a six month contract with Manpower in Dallas. The assignment was with Texas Instrument in Dallas. The work helped me regain my confidence holding tight tolerances. I left them to return home. The last job was with McDonnell Douglas in St.Louis, Mo. That was an interesting job. First phase was hand forming aluminum blocks they used to bend aircraft grade aluminum under a hydraulic bladder. The last phase was setting precut material used in transport bucking wagons. We set them up so the welders could do their thing. They paid us toolmaker rates for fitting material together. That job last until 1992 when the government cancelled their contract. 10,000 of us were laid off with in 48 hours.
Well, I promised you guys some pictures of my cousin's C-J lathe and Bridgeport that she wants to "just get rid of" but the pictures were sent to me directly in an email (IOW, not as an attachment) so I'm unable to convert them to a jpg format or any of the other formats that Photobucket supports.

Our middle daughter came over today, she has a degree in computer "something" I can't remember what. She works with computers all day every day in her job and serves as our family IT person. She wasn't able to convert the pictures to anything that Photobucket would accept either, so pictures will have to wait for a week or so until I can drive up there and look the machines over. I'll take my digital camera and take plenty of pictures to share with you.

Does anyone here know how to convert an email picture to a jpg or jpeg format? I can't get a "save as" when I right click on the image. #2 daughter says that that's the problem...

Try saving it to the clipboard in Windows. Try "PrtSc" (Print screen) and "Alt" buttons together. You can use "Paint" or another photo-editor program then under Edit then press Paste. Should work, I use it often.

Good luck,
I'm running a 20" Lodge & Shipley with a 10 hp motor on residential current that is shared with five of my neighbors!!! I can't pull full load on the motor. When I do it kind of "sucks" the juice out of the 6 ga. extension cord I have running from the meter box to the machine, a 80 foot run...
Hi, Good to see someone else is a Lodge & Shipley fan, I am the proud owner of a 22" L&S with a 15' bed that I recently purchased. It needs a little work. I would like to change the live center, the point is broken, I don't want to just slam the bearing out, although if that's the only way I'm open to it, and the taper attachment needs to be taken apart and cleaned, it hasn't been used in 30 or more years. The rest of the lathe works great, came with 2 steady rests, a 16" 4 jaw chuck and a 12" 3 jaw chuck.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance


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The rest of the lathe works great, came with 2 steady rests, a 16" 4 jaw chuck and a 12" 3 jaw chuck.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

My advice would be to get a crane to change chucks.......That lathe is huge!

Seriously though, the originator of this thread (Treetop) has not been around since Jun 2017.
Ken, (who you quoted above) has not been around here in a while either.

Hopefully some other Lodge and Shipley owners will jump in.

Welcome to the group!

My advice would be to get a crane to change chucks.......That lathe is huge!

Seriously though, the originator of this thread (Treetop) has not been around since Jun 2017.
Ken, (who you quoted above) has not been around here in a while either.

Hopefully some other Lodge and Shipley owners will jump in.

Welcome to the group!

Thanks for the reply, I'm a newbe here and don't know anyone yet. Looking forward to any advice.
BTW, I do have a small crane, used it to remove the live center from the tailstock.
now that is a big lathe when moving the live center requires assistance :)
now that is a big lathe when moving the live center requires assistance :)
Some pictures of the live center, including the bearing I have to remove,


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I am also a Lodge & Shipley fan.
When I was doing this for a living i worked for 3 places that used them.
Great huge buggers with hand crank tailstocks, one with a shipswheel & turret.
Navy Anchor stamps on end of ways, one still had shell dies.among the attachments.