It was not the best day to be outside

We finally got our first day we don't need a jacket to keep warm outside. High got to 69 degrees F here! Tomorrow be in the low 70's.
We finally got our first day we don't need a jacket to keep warm outside. High got to 69 degrees F here! Tomorrow be in the low 70's.
</begin humor> I'm really trying to feel for ya here, really I am, and, , , , nope, sorry, it's not coming to me. </end humor> :grin:
Better Half is currently north of you in Austin and I received a txt about only having to wear a tee-shirt outside. . .
I've been running around inside the house the last few days with a hoodie on because proper wall insulation is unknown in these here parts.
Oh what I wouldn't give for the 70's right about now!