Machining magnetised steel, any safety concerns?


Jul 14, 2017
Today i need a piece of steel to turn down on my lathe so i grabbed a piece and noticed is magnetised, this piece i bought from the junkyard, together with some steel castings that looked like are for machining bearings. The steel bar is bent so i use an angle grinder to cut a piece off and cuts like any other steel, but is very magnetic it can pick up a screwdrivers, are there any safety hazards with machining those types of steels?
I don't believe so. Since it is a shaft, it isn't likely a sintered part and is homogeneous.
Should be fine. I understand you can demagnetize steel by heating it, but this might not suit your purpose.
A great demag. device is an electric motor with the rotor removed. Many guys still use 'em.
A great demag. device is an electric motor with the rotor removed. Many guys still use 'em.
Can I get more info on this demag device?
Spinning a magnet near a conductor creates a generator, generating electricity this way creates Electro Magnetic Forces.
This may interfere with devices nearby such as heart pacemakers, implanted defib devices and AM radios (-:
Also your dog may bark for no reason.