Making a Silicone Soldering Brush

Jim Dobson

Active User
Sep 13, 2013
How to make a silicone soldering brush.
You won't believe just how well these work. I wished I'd had one of these years ago. No more burnt small paintbrushes and you can custom make any size of these you wanted, thick bristles, thin bristles, solid etc etc
A great bit of kit!

Truly brilliant. I really could have used that just a couple of days ago. Makes you wonder why somebody doesn't already make those! Top of the to do list.
C-Bag I *REALLY* wish I'd known about these years ago as well. I've used hessian sacks, wet rags, stainless steel brushes and of course ruined countless small artist brushes.
They work brilliantly and are as cheap as chips to make.
Very cool (for hot stuff)

The Grumpy old coot
Not to steal your thunder Jim but it turns out cooks have silicone brushes already. And there are silicone toothbrushs too. Who knew? Prices are all over the place but next time I'm close by I'm going to see if they have :This I like the drip proof collar as while I'm using the brush I never know where to set it down where I don't make a mess.

Silicone is amazing stuff and it really does beg the question why all brushes aren't made of silicone? It doesn't deteriorate, nothing sticks to it, good up to 600F and doesn't shed hairs. I've always hated the hair brushes they sell specifically for soldering as they are totally unsuited for the job but never saw an alternative, until now. I can only think they just want to sell packs and packs of the stupid things where I won't be surprised if this silicone brush is the last brush I buy for soldering.
G'day C-Bag, I've tried cooks brushes before but the bristles for soldering (at least for me) were either too long or too thick. Though they are what I use for spreading wood glue around whilst woodworking (brilliant for this).

Over the years for solder I've used as I mentioned in the video countless small artists brushes that I have ruined, hessian sack, wet rags and stainless steel brushes, but nothing has ever worked as easy as these DIY silicone brushes.

I haven't tried them out for silver brazing/soldering yet, I'm thinking that the silicone wouldn't be able to stand brazing temps?
All over E-bay....And cheap....

So are half the things I make on my lathe and in my workshop, I like making things, you may like buying things.........but thanks for your input.

And also those look solid.