Resolved Member's last post .

Ken from ontario

H-M Supporter - Silver Member
H-M Supporter - Silver Member
Dec 26, 2016
I think it would be a useful feature to have if we were able to click on a member's name (or your own name) and be able to see the last activity/post of that person.
Right now the way thing are if you post in a thread and after a few hour or a couple of days can't remember which forum it was that you posted, the only way to find out is to guess but if the "last post" feature was available you could click on it and find the thread.
It's just a suggestion, I've seen it on a few different hobby sites and thought it would be decent feature to have.
that sounds useful. I think you can find the information though unless I misunderstood

Yes that's what I was after, I never knew it was available that way, thanks Stuart.