Mobil Vactra 2 locally?

I would recommend using Mobil Vacuoline 1409, which is formulated similar to the original Vactra 2 with more tackifiers, it also is rated for gearboxes and is a higher performance oil than Vactra 2. Minimum size is 5 gallon pale, I picked up mine through a local oil distributor for about $85. I felt it worked better than Vactra #2 which I previously used.

Oil distributor, you can check for locations or it is offered online for $98 plus shipping.
The best price I have found is local from a bulk oil dealer, but they only sell 55 gallon drums. Next best is 5 gallons from MSC, but I think I get better pricing than many other people do from them. I usually buy enough "stuff" to get free freight. One of my buddies claims the best price he sees is from Zoro, but when I compare MSC always shows lower. The advantage to Zoro is the low minimum for free shipping.

I am actually not a fan of MSC due to a business practice or two that drives me bonkers, but they very often give me better pricing and as the "Borg" of industrial suppliers they have the broadest selection of tools and supplies.
Call your local petroleum product distributors, often called bulk plants. They may have it on hand. They can also order it in for you without a separate shipping cost, if you can wait for the truck to come. Call them and ask them.
ya write i call my local supplier and he laughed at me small amounts like that that is why i buy from