My Afternoon At The Shooting Range

I am tempted to post the perfect targets on the refrigerator like kids art
Back in the day, kid's art could have been perfect targets on the fridge.......or Coor's can missing the label's black [waterfall] seal. Mine was; 5mm Sheridan at 40 yards prone, after teaching myself gunsmithing.
Today it's rim and centerfire, but in reality not one bit more fun.

And terr-iific solution for correction of sight height! Shaft collar and all thread. I'm copy/ pasting that into my notepad.
Instances where I have to, it starts on my surface plate. Measure diameter of bolt, or establish centerline at breech elsewise, divide by half. Stick close fitting and greased pin gauge in muzzle, divide that by half. Set action level via height gauge readings of diameter corrections [1/2's]. Lower and raise rear sight, measuring that range of movement. The rest depends on prospective yardage for cartridge and desired range. PITA? Hell yea. Does it work? Hell yea.
Even in unfriendly weather or dark night skies!
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