My Miller Diversion 180 First tryout


Jeff Anderson
H-M Platinum Supporter
Mar 26, 2018
It has been many years since High School, Ygnacio Valley High. School graduated in 1975. Mr Wade had me for 3 classes per day as a Teachers Aid.
Arc welding and oxy acetylene were the only two methods we had, to join metal.
I spent some time watching YouTube to get some exposure to MIG and TIG. TIG is a very versatile method to join ste el, aluminum, stainless steel, magnesium, etc.
I purchased a Miller Diversion 180.
Once I dial in the amps and maintain some consistency I feel very confident I will be able to produce some quality welding projects.
Se e pics of my first day, I dipped the tungsten more than once. Regrinding tungsten will be second nature in no time. Overall, I feel pretty good considering I have not joined metal since 1986.




3rd pic looks decent- keep practicing
My stick welds are not even as good as those- yet
I was practicing on 1/8 steel. I cleaned off most of the scale. Everything I read about TIG welding was cleanliness!
The Diversion 180 has amp range settings or zones for steel/aluminum. I started out at the mid-range 100- 105 amps for 1/8 steel. Too hot!
I dialed it down to about 75-80, that seemed to give me a more controllable heat range.
This is quite a bit like oxy-acetylene welding. I just need to practice.