my mini mill power feed.

i have not really run it much yet because it lacks switches and a few other things to make it a usable device, but the motor has a built in fan that blows air through it and i left the bottom of the box open so it should be ok. it wont have as much load as the drill was designed for. this thing came from a hammer drill, so its pretty tough.
really cool meager looking windsheild wiper motor does not look cool like these but it works real good :")

How can anyone live without there power feed :)

even though my power feed is not quite finished i love it. best part is the rapid travel in top gear. it makes the table go from one end to the other under 15 seconds. used to take about minute and a half to hand crank it! also arms would be real tired if i had to do a full table length cut. thats like 150 turns (.050 lead screws).