Need a way to round corners

A radius cutter is used to put a radius anywhere or position you can think of. I used a radius cutter to knock the corners off my lathe height gauge. It makes the chunk of metal nicer to pick up and gives character to a part. Very easy to set up actually. I setup to cut along the fixed jaw of vice so once your depths are set you can keep flipping the part and not have to set up each cut. Very repeatable. Here’s a example

Can be used in tool post on lathe to cut radius on parts if you don’t have a radius attachment. Mount in tool post use one flute of cutter mounted center of lathe axis.
This is 2018 not 1958.
I machine a radius like so, this is a lathe made in 1996, a simple wire rope sheave with a .200 radius. It was a home part so don't tell my employer that I made 4 of these in 15 Minutes (-: