Need Help on Way Gibs

If you scraped the gib, you altered its thickness, so it will have to be inserted deeper into the slot. And since the taper is pretty shallow it won't take much of a change in thickness to cause problems. From the drawing it appears that the fixed gib is installed with some screws. You may need to put a shim underneath it to get your movable gib back where you want it. Or perhaps were WERE some shims in there that got misplaced?
Okay guys I think i got it figured out. Maybe this will help someone else. Learned something today I guess.
I checked the gibs. They were high in the middle and in one spot mostly. I knocked them down to get some blue showing more of the length but I don't think that was the problem. The gibs looked scraped but maybe just flaked. The gib sits in the anti-floater (#39 & 40). The gib is much narrower than the gap it sits in. I noticed the screw head was just barely touching the tip and at one point didn't touch at all. So i took them out and made sure they were pushed all the way into the holder or the anti floater as the book calls it. Now the screw head is much better contact with the gib. In fact I had to turn the narrow end out a turn to tighten the gib just slightly. Feels much better know.
Hope that's understandable. Hard to describe sometimes in writing.
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