Ond handed can opener FREE to good home


H-M Supporter - Sustaining Member
H-M Platinum Supporter
Oct 14, 2014
My mamma only has the use of one hand.

Opening cans was a major problem for her till I built this can opener 25 years ago. She liked it so well, I built another ten years ago. Now that she stays in one place all year, this one is surplus to her needs.

The opener mounts under the upper cabinet in the kitchen. The height is adjustable. She ended up setting this to the exact right height for her tallest can. Then had little wooden shim blocks for the other heights. Sorry, these blocks got lost in the move.

To open the can, raise the clamp handle, slide can in place, then lower the clamp handle. Now its on tight in one spot. then just turn the crank to open the can. this front part of the opener is a standard off the shelf item that can still be purchased. FWIW, most can openers are real trouble to clamp up one handed.

If anyone knows a person with a handicap that can use this, its free to them.

Karl1 hand can opener c.jpg 1 hand can opener b.jpg 1 hand can opener a.jpg
My grandmom had one mounted right over the sink , so if tuna needed squeezing it was right there. Worked for big fans of tomatoes too. Don't know if they sell them any more that latch on. I like the adjuster ,nice job.
The market available can openers are all junk from my experiences.

The wife is ticked off every time she uses it. She buys new one's and same story.

My P-38 works for me, but not to her liking.

Anyone Build One or have a design? or a model / brand to buy?
They make no handed can openers cheep, they are probably chi made tho
Yep, the one used here is the same as my grandma used. Very solid, but designed to be wall mounted. you can still buy them
Thanks , She is thinking about it. She saw some reviews of the "TouCan" and looked terrible.

I like the wall mount type model, but no place to really mount it for her, she doesn't like stuff out and hanging on walls. She doesn't open a lot of cans anyway. Tuna and sometimes Cat food for the most part. The Cat eats dry food, that smelly can food every once in a while.

I found a 33 page project report from a graduate class (ME599) in 2003. I bet those 3 students hate can openers now. They put a lot of effort into it, business plan and the whole tamale. Just skimmed it.

Almost everything comes in flip top cans now.