Resolved Photo Optimizer

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H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Feb 1, 2015
Running out of disk space is a never ending problem. One way to better use space is to convert photographs to a smaller fire size before posting.
My native pictures run 6 -7 MB but after conversion, they run around 150 kB, a reduction in file size to 1/40th or better. While there is a reduction in photo detail, it is barely noticeable. The software that I use came with my Nikon camera but there is other software that will do the same job.
I wouldn't expect that already submitted work be altered. The intent was to educate users about reducing file size before posting. When it comes down to it, not conserving server space cost money on an ongoing basis. We members can help to keep those costs under control.

I did some checking and MS Paint has a resizing function. It is easy to use. I would suggest resizing to between 700 and 1,000 pixels in the long dimension as a good compromise between resolution and file size. This gives a size of around 150 kB.
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We have installed a photo optimizer (addon), and are paying per month to use to optimize the photos on the site.
This will save us a lot of disk space.
One of our members has made some good suggestions on optimizing photos, which we have moved here.
Following RJ's suggestions will save us money on our bill.
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After the optimization of 3000 images, over 800 MB, we are only requiring a 7% optimization, indicating that our photos are not very bloated, and the extra disk space we required was just due to the large amount of photo information we have on this site.
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